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A Simple and Natural Solution to Chronic Candida and SIBO
Welcome and Introduction
1. Welcome and Introduction to the Course (2:17)
2. Who Gets Sick (1:10)
The Triangle of Health (26:15)
3. Candida Overgrowth 101 (21:27)
4. How to Reverse Candida and SIBO (1:49)
5. The Role of Herbs and Supplements in Healing Candida and SIBO (2:44)
Step 1: Starve the Yeast & SIBO by Cutting out the Foods That Feed Them
6. Nutrients the Human Body Needs to be Healthy (3:16)
7.1 Whole food plant based diet (20:26)
7.2 What is the Paleo Diet? (17:18)
7.3 Plant-based + Paleo = The Healthiest Diet (the best of both worlds) (14:40)
8. What to Eat (1:28)
9. How to Eat (2:06)
Step 2: Breakdown and Kill the Yeast and SIBO with Herbs
10. Antimicrobial Herbs and Essential Oils (2:23)
11. Essential Oils for Healing 101 (21:08)
Step 3: Promote Gut Health and Restore the Immune System
12. Restore Your Gut and Immune System (2:36)
13. The leaky gut solution (19:22)
14. Probiotics Explained (12:11)
15. Keep Your Immune System Strong (2:04)
Step 4: Support Your Adrenal Glands and Nervous System
16. How to Support Your Adrenal Glands and Nervous System (2:24)
17. Adrenal Health 101 (20:35)
Step 5: Gently Cleanse and Detox Your Body
18. Gently Cleanse and Detox Your Body (2:55)
19. Demystifying Detox (22:44)
Step 6: Manage Your Stress and Get Plenty of Sleep
20. Stress Management Techniques (1:55)
21. Calm Your Anxiety (27:24)
Putting it all Together
22. The 4 R's (2:20)
23. How to Reintroduce Foods into Your Diet (2:20)
The Triangle of Health
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